Document Handling in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 and 2012
Document Handling is very useful to attach files related to AX data to forms. It’s possible to add data at any form. It is also useful to attache any reference document to any record in Form.
To use Document Handling you have to activate it by follow these steps...
To activate this feature follow the next steps:
1. Go to Basic – Setup – Document management:

2. Setup Parameters:

Active directory is the default path where allocate the files to attach.
Check Use Active document tables has to be activated.

Number sequence to numerate the attachments.
3. Define Document types:

For each type it’s necessary define the location folder:

4. Select in which forms it’s possible to attach documents in Active document tables:

5. Now, we can attach documents in the above forms. For example in Employees form:

For this example, we are going to attach a Photo:

Select the photo and click open:

With the check Show file activated we can see the photo/document:

Also, we can open the document with the right button Open.